
    Introduction to the Schwarzschild Radius

            If you've ever had an interest in astronomy or physics, or more likely watched a sci-fi film, then you are probably familiar with the idea of black holes. A black     hole is, generally speaking, an area in space in which a large amount of mass has become so greatly condensed that it collapses into an infentessimally small point,         called a singularity. This singularity has an area around it, called the event horizon, that is characterized by the Schwarzschild radius. Once the mass has become
    compressed past this point, it forms a black hole. It is believed that nothing can escape from a black hole, even light is trapped by its deformation of space. If light is     to pass any closer to a black hole than the event horizon, then it to is pulled into the singularity.

The space-time deformation of a black hole represented as a gravity well.

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